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Doing an informal survey -- how many of us use nasal irrigation of some sort -- spray, mist, bottle, neti pot -- as part and parcel of our sleep apnea treatment? Also, do the people that use it like it?

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I use Ayr nasal spray. Though I don't have allergies, I do wake up with one and sometimes both nostrils stopped up. Sitting up on the side of the bed usually clears it. Nasonex can work pretty well. Also, there is a product that I have purchased and will again a wellness shop called Olba. Just a sniff will clear the sinuses. I avoid putting anything greasy around my nose.
Nasal irrigation daily. NeilMed pre-packaged buffered sodium solution and NeilMed irrigation bottle. Can't live without it.
No I don't use it. I considered it but as my congestion all goes post nasal drip. I'm afraid I might drown myself. LOL
I'm surprised at the number of people who use some sort of nasal irrigation. I do too. I use a salt water spray and Nasonex. I seem to develop a stuffed nose as the evening goes on, so I need to clear my nose before using mask.

I also have Sjogrens Syndrome. The gunk from the nose hitting the very dry throat in the morning is not a pleasant experience.
I use NeilMed sinus rinse occasionally. I don't like shooting water up my nose, but I find that it has the perfect mix of salt in the little packages which makes it easier to use. Plus it is pretty cost effective.
My first try to clear sinuses is always a saline spray. If that doesn't work I resort to the neti pot, but not only does it not feel great (can totally relate to the person who is reminded of getting pulled under the waves as a kid), I've somehow given myself an earache with it before. I have no idea how, as I know it's not supposed to happen. But it did. I was really clogged up that time though, so much that the water couldn't come out the other side. So maybe it did go in my eustachian tube? (I'm not the anatomy expert so I have no idea.)

That said though, I just went to an allergist for new testing and got a new nasal spray to help with my chronically inflamed sinuses. Veramyst is the name. I'll go back in another week for a follow up. I'm not sure it's working yet or not. I haven't had a really bad stuffy episode in the last week, but that's not to say it won't happen.

Anyway, if the saline and neti pot don't do it then I very reluctantly give myself a half dose of afrin in the stuffed side (why is it usually just one side?). I hate that stuff, but it does open it right up. Of course you suffer from the dryness all night and then usually with rebound stuffiness the next night. Argh.
I have been using a neti pot for quite awhile, even before I got the bipap machine, and it helps a lot. Recently I was prescribed an allergy spray, which has also helped -- in fact, I could possibly now move from a full-face mask to a nasal mask/pillow, thanks to that. The nasal irrigation thing works very well.
Hey Mike, I use the neti pot and I like it, it's refreshing. A couple of weeks ago you suggested a comfortable new mask, I think it was you, I can't seem to find that old post, it's time for me to order a new one, the one I'm using now is the respironics comfort lite2, i'm ready for a change, what do you think?
Hey Mike, just found the old post, still don't know my way around yet, It was right on my page. I'm going to order online in a.m. let you know when I try it. thanks Lisa

Lisa Marie Cardillo said:
Hey Mike, I use the neti pot and I like it, it's refreshing. A couple of weeks ago you suggested a comfortable new mask, I think it was you, I can't seem to find that old post, it's time for me to order a new one, the one I'm using now is the respironics comfort lite2, i'm ready for a change, what do you think?

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