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I thought that when I got my sleep apnea diagnosis, that -- at last! -- all my sleep problems had come to an end.


I have trouble falling asleep. Indeed, I rarely feel sleepy at night although I do feel tired. I even cut back on computer at night, etc., etc. (and installed f.lux on my computer) but I still had trouble. Now I'm doing something different: wearing special glasses (Uvex S1933X Skyper Safety Eyewear glasses). They block out the blue -- and they're making a difference! 

First I tried wearing the glasses for an hour or two at night before bedtime. Reading the reviews on the product made me aware that maybe I should wear them longer -- say, four to five hours.  Now, come 6 or 7 pm, I put on my glasses. I actually feel comfortable wearing them and honestly, I begin to feel sleepy around 10 or 10:30 pm.

Here's where to go for information:

Maybe this will help someone else. I hope so!

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