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After my 2nd week I've become quite hoarse, and its been that way for over two months now.  I used to be an entertainer, singer, and impersonator in my early life, and had quite the vocal range, now.......I could give the guy that says, "Beef, it's what's for Dinner!" a real challenge


Anyone else experienced this??



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My father experienced something similar to you when he first started using his CPAP. He found that he became hoarse (not totally) and his throat always felt a bit dry. It doesn't seem to happen all that often now but he still finds the CPAP machine an annoyance.


I also suffer from sleep apnea but haven't needed to use a CPAP machine so I can only speak from the experience of my father.


I read a great review on a product that claims to help people with sleep apnea get a good nights sleep without the need of a CPAP machine. I past the details on to my dad yesterday, hopefully it can help.

The review is below if you are interested

I didn't follow the link above- there is not a cure for sleep apnea, only treatment.  Have you tried adjusting your humidity a bit higher?  I don't know what's causing your hoarseness, I have never heard of that as a side effect of CPAP, they do seem related, though.  If it continues I would see a doc- either your PCP, sleep doc, or perhaps an ENT- this is perhaps just coincidental with the start of therapy and could be something you should not ignore.  Be on the sdafe side and get checked out if upping the humidity doesn't help.

Thanks for the reply, and I'll take a look at the article.  I have a nice, moist throat in the morning, but I actually need to force the words out.  Been to two specialists, and they are not too worried about it until after my two nasal surgeries.

My unit has adjustable, heated moisture control.  Check to make sure your Father's have it.



Lyndsey Pollard said:

My father experienced something similar to you when he first started using his CPAP. He found that he became hoarse (not totally) and his throat always felt a bit dry. It doesn't seem to happen all that often now but he still finds the CPAP machine an annoyance.


I also suffer from sleep apnea but haven't needed to use a CPAP machine so I can only speak from the experience of my father.


I read a great review on a product that claims to help people with sleep apnea get a good nights sleep without the need of a CPAP machine. I past the details on to my dad yesterday, hopefully it can help.

The review is below if you are interested

I got used to mine, like after the first night.  My BP dropped some 20 points, and heartrate about 10 BPM average......after the first week.

After about 10 days, I was detailing my cars and doing yard work, some pretty hard stuff.

I think it actually saved my life, as my body was shutting down after years of sleep deprivation.

Now at 55, I look like I 'm in my 40's, and the body is looking pretty darn good for an older man, LOL


Lyndsey Pollard said:

My father experienced something similar to you when he first started using his CPAP. He found that he became hoarse (not totally) and his throat always felt a bit dry. It doesn't seem to happen all that often now but he still finds the CPAP machine an annoyance.


I also suffer from sleep apnea but haven't needed to use a CPAP machine so I can only speak from the experience of my father.


I read a great review on a product that claims to help people with sleep apnea get a good nights sleep without the need of a CPAP machine. I past the details on to my dad yesterday, hopefully it can help.

The review is below if you are interested

Thanks Mary.......I left another reply below. They have given me reflux, med, prednisone, new sprays, etc.  I am scheduled for three nose surgeries, and they want to wait till after those to address the throat.


Mary Z said:

I didn't follow the link above- there is not a cure for sleep apnea, only treatment.  Have you tried adjusting your humidity a bit higher?  I don't know what's causing your hoarseness, I have never heard of that as a side effect of CPAP, they do seem related, though.  If it continues I would see a doc- either your PCP, sleep doc, or perhaps an ENT- this is perhaps just coincidental with the start of therapy and could be something you should not ignore.  Be on the sdafe side and get checked out if upping the humidity doesn't help.

I didn't think about reflux/ GERD, but it often goes along with OSA and certainly could cause your hoarseness.  Good call.  That would be fairly simple to treat.

I've been having more and more trouble with hoarseness and losing my voice if I talk for as little as 5 minutes. I had this before the machine but it's much worse now, even with humidity cranked as high as the machine goes. This morning I noticed my throat was closing on exhale and I'm coughing more.


I was put on omeprazole in case it was reflux but my GI doc wanted me on it for two years b/c endoscopy showed focal Barrett's. Unfortunately, it gave me diarrhea - I have microscopic colitis which complicates things - after being on it for 4 weeks.


My new sleep doc wonders if it's vocal cord disorder. It sure feels like it. I'm thinking this needs to be pursued although I don't know what can be done to help it. Time will tell.

I've been to three specialist, and none seemed to concerned with the quality of my voice and it taking such force to speak.  I am having two nasal surgeries soon, and they will rediagnose after that.  They have my machine cranked up to 15, as I have permanent blockage in the sinus...  The moisture is at max, but no help with vocal.


Try cutting the dosage dwon on the reflux RX, and do not wait as long to eat......not an MD, but it worked for me.  As far as that goes, and with all my health problems, I've been through and tried about EVERYTHING.


In better shape at 55 than I was at 30.  ;-)

Marcia Herman said:

I've been having more and more trouble with hoarseness and losing my voice if I talk for as little as 5 minutes. I had this before the machine but it's much worse now, even with humidity cranked as high as the machine goes. This morning I noticed my throat was closing on exhale and I'm coughing more.


I was put on omeprazole in case it was reflux but my GI doc wanted me on it for two years b/c endoscopy showed focal Barrett's. Unfortunately, it gave me diarrhea - I have microscopic colitis which complicates things - after being on it for 4 weeks.


My new sleep doc wonders if it's vocal cord disorder. It sure feels like it. I'm thinking this needs to be pursued although I don't know what can be done to help it. Time will tell.

Stephen, thanks for your response.  I had to get off the OTC omerprazole b/c even the most heavy-duty gut steroid (Entocort) wouldn't keep the omeprazole-caused diarrhea under control. (It does when I'm not on omeprazole.)  Every PPI I ever tried gave me severe D and stomach problems after a month or two. It seems to turn too much acid off for me instead of just controlling it.

I sure wish we could get the UK version of Gaviscon. It's much better than the US version, which has a different formulation. The alginate in it forms a "shield" in the stomach to prevent acid from getting past the layer of alginate. That sounds like a great option for those who can't tolerate short or long term effects of PPIs.

Your post (not that you'll read this, and since you won't forget it).

Sleep Apnea Conultant said:

If anyone is on this forum and about to get a sleep study at a laboratory, WAIT!!  Contact Alltrans Medical Solutions in Katy, TX.  We do the complete turn-key process in 4-6 days with our free screening, HOME sleep test, PAP delivery and compliance monitoring, and we can service throughout the whole country.  Please contact myself directly, my name is Ben, at 281-402-9019 or email me at, or check out our website at


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