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Fellow SleepGuide Members, 

As you no doubt have noticed, we've made some cosmetic changes to the site over the past couple of days.  I sincerely want to know what you think, positive and negative.  Please respond to this thread with any feedback you're willing to share.


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For one I hate the new format.  It is too cluttered and busy in my opinion.  It is harder to navigate and you end up having to search for what you want.  The font is harder to read -- especially for those of us getting older (at least for me).

To much "dead" space on the sides that could be utilized better in my opinion.  I know if I was newbie and unsure what I was needing in the way of help, it would be difficult to know where to look for answers here -- again just my own opinion. 

I think the forum should have the highest portion of the site instead of being cut down -- but again my opinion. 

You have done a good job Mike in the past -- but I simply hate the new look.

It wasn't broken. It was better before. Put it back. You will lose people, imo.

I don't like it either.  The print is too small.  There's too much space on the sides.


It does not bother me either way.


Unless Rooster likes or dislikes it. I should probably wait until he lets his stand known then I will decide. ;)

YECH! I know us "old folks" are said to dislike change. But this goes above and beyond.


The print of the forum thread posts is blurry, not crisp and clear as in the other format.


The pages are not as attractive.


The "Latest Activity" list is too limited. Only 4 threads??? Instead of the nice long list in the previous format.


The navy blue print on grey background is certainly not an improvement! To put it mildly.


The grey blackground w/stars (and even a moon!) is attractive - IF - it were used in the heading w/the forum title. (And the former forum logo was MUCH more attractive - bring it back and put it on the grey w/stars background maybe).








Oh heck. Maybe its cause I am left handed. Or maybe just 'cause as said earlier us "old folks" are said to not like change.


I"m used to the "Latest Activity" list, ads, etc. being on the right. Its discombombulating to have them on the left. And they take up too wide a space on the left.


I'm used to and like my "options" on the right.


Yeck, yeck, yeck. The road to helll is paved w/good intentions and this change sure raised the speed limit!

Change is difficult for all of us, and that applies to the new web design!

Are there additional changes coming?

Personally, I don't think the pages are as attractive as the old format was, but the basic exchange of information hasn't changed, just where we look for it.

Time will cure all that bothers us with the informational placement and we will adapt. That is a problem I can live with.
My eyes are not so good so contrast is helpfull . Like the baby blue color at the bottom of the page....It is just about invisable to me. The bright white background is good . Good Sleep,Chris
Thanks to everyone so far who's responded. I'm listening.  Just want to hold off and hear from more people now . . .
I'll add my two cents soon, but have to go out right now. ;-)
You're not the first one who mentioned the difficulty navigating the site now.  Tell me, though, what is it that you're trying to find but having trouble finding? 

Mike C (at the Beach!) said:
I am new Mike so this may not count as I was just getting familiar. But I could easily fine my way around before. Now? TOTALLY lost! Could be from lack of sleep however?  :-))
fyi -- we made some changes designed to make the text easier to read.  let us know if it's any improvement for you folks who were having issues with legibility of the text.

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