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if anyone has a c-pap not in use and want to get rid of it let me know

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Check with your church. There is always someone there who is ordered one and doesnt use it.
Hey there - just wondering where you're located. I have a cpap machine that i'm not using. If you're not located in San Diego and are willing to pay for shipping, you can have it.
Talk to the respiratory supply company, reps, therapists, docs...I know that they often have 'second hand' CPAPs that have been turned in and can be had at a discount.
What is you script written for? What settings?

You can do a Craigs List search using for a good machine at a very low cost.
I do have a cpap and a bpap machine that I am no longer using. I live in Western Michigan near MUskegon. COntact me if you have any interest.
The bpap also comes with a humidifier.

Art Hyde
We have an non profit organization called female charities in Baldwinsville, NY 13027. The have medical supplies such as walkers and lift chairs and wheel chairs, etc. The loan these out free of charge to people in need. Maybe you can contact them or see if there is an organization in your area that also loans medical equipment...hope this helps
I will check around and c what I can find.. I do however have an extra hose or two and an extra mask if you need it.. What Craigs List as I have seen them in the free section and the general section for sale... Keep me posted as to your progress and let me know if you can use these items... good luck
Brian, where are you located?

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