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Does anyone know how to read oximeter "wave forms"?

I bought an oximeter that records overnight, and  have been using it almost nightly.  I use CPAP.  I realize oxygen and pulse are just part of the information we need.


So I'd like to know ---and not just guess -- how  to best  read the results, especially the "wave forms" -what's the importance of those, if your oxgen and pulse levels are normal?


 I've looked online to no avail to  find  normal graphs  comparee  abnormal overnight oximeter graphs.    That way I could get a better idea what my graphs represent.  .


Oh I found dozens of scholarly articles, nursing artlicles, sophisticated information,  which are over my head, and almost never even show a graph from overnight oximeter reading.    Maybe I need to get a text book for respiratory therapists, maybe that would have some clear examples .


The results of my oximeter recordings are  good -- as far as I can tell. My oxygen is 95% or so on average most nights, with nothing lower than 90, and that only very briefly, My heart rate is constant and in lower 60's.


  Oddly, I slept part of one night without CPAP -- my graph for that period was as good as any WITH the CPAP.     What does THAT indicate?  I have a lot to learn.



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Mark Douglas said:
Thanks -- let me ask you this, cause Im not clear on it. You may have answered it, but Im not clear on it.

If your oxygen is 92 or better pretty much all the time, and the average is like 94, do you need to worry about the saw tooth pattern of an overnnight oximeter? I mean if the oxygen is good -- aren't you doing well? Isnt that the most important aspect? I hear of people in 80's and even 70's, for oxygen. I thought Im doing pretty good in mid 90's

In your opinion do you need to go in for further sleep studies to get "tritrated" if your oxygen seems pretty good, other than the saw tooth pattern at times?

It may be worth your while to get re-titrated. If it has been a couple years or more, many people get checked to see if they are at the optimal pressure.

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