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It seems as if the pressure is not as much as it used to be. Is this just because I am getting used to CPAP the longer I use it, or could my machine be getting weak?



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your DME can check the pressure output for you.
It is normal -- actually it is a goal, to get used to the pressure. It is very unusual for a machine to malfunction so that the pressure output is inaccurate. As was mentioned, your DME will verify your pressure for you if you want that reassurance.
You do get very used to your CPAP pressure quickly. When patients first put it on it feels like a lot of pressure, and then after trying a couple diffrent masks they quickley get more comfortable with it, and even ask if I changed the pressure.. Generally you CPAP does not need to be calibrated. It will deliver the pressure it is set for. Your pressure needs may change over the course of a year or two as you weight and muscle tone changes though.
My PAP's User Manual says it should be maintenance checked by my DME supplier once a year. Mine was never checked by my provider in the 17 months I used my Resmed S8 Elite w/EPR and they haven't checked my Resmed VPAP Auto in the - wow! how time does fly!! - 2 years I've had it. Of course, I've never taken either in to them and asked them to check them either.

As Lee said, you and your pressure needs are more likely to have changed than your PAP needing re-calibration. Its a simple matter to check your PAP out tho. It just requires a check w/a simple manometer. Heck, I've read in these apnea support forums of some handy people even making their own manometer!!!
The high road is to have it checked with a manometer, but it's more likely that you've become accustomed to the pressure than your device is malfunctioning.
Thanks, I appreciate all the comments. I figured I was just becomming used to the pressure. It does seem effective though, and I am very happy with it. I would never want to try life again without it. My wife has suggested camping a few times. She looks at me strangely when I say we will need a generator. Then I remind her that I cannot sleep without CPAP, then she realizes that I don't mean I need a generator for A/C or anything like that, just really for CPAP!

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