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I feel depressed, irritable, a lot of days. I have more bad nights with cpap than good I guess the mask leaks. I clean it every day . has anyone experienced depression from apnea?.

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I know I have.  I hate it so much.  You would think after two years I would be used to it. The first year WAS worse in that I could never get a half way good mask fit.  That part is somewhat improved.  But I find myself feeling so resentful of the whole situation.  I feel like CPAP dominates my life. I exercise, am not over weight so there are no life style changes I can make. (5'5" 128#)   I will have #6 tongue ablation next month and have sleep study ordered end of May.  But I am afraid to feel hopeful. I would go through almost anything to avoid the damned CPAP! I am not on an anti depressant. Maybe you need a different type of mask? I am using the Swift NANO for her right now.

I hear that. I would love to find an alternative to c-crap, I mean pap . it's been a hassle for 7 years. Every time I think I got it figured out, another problem comes. I am way overweight so I can only blame myself. So working on that and the mask situation. Thanks Ginny

it does seem that for a while a particular make will be better then it does not. Don't be blaming yourself.  Try to start on weightless program.  Are you able to go outside to walk? Starting small exercise program gradually might help with depression too.

richard graham said:

I hear that. I would love to find an alternative to c-crap, I mean pap . it's been a hassle for 7 years. Every time I think I got it figured out, another problem comes. I am way overweight so I can only blame myself. So working on that and the mask situation. Thanks Ginny
I have a bad ankle so I don't go for walks but I do have a stationary bike that may help.

I have to force myself to go for a 30-40 minute brisk walk usually 5 days a week.  I won't let myself go shopping unless my walk is done.  I try to play a mind game with myself.  It is so much easier to sit and do nothing.  But I do feel better after walking.  Maybe you can star gradually on th bike…10 minutes twice a day for several days increasing to 15 minutes etc. Good luck!

richard graham said:

I have a bad ankle so I don't go for walks but I do have a stationary bike that may help.
Thanks I will do that. I know I would probably feel better. It is very easy to do nothing. Thanks for your help
Hey one more thing, I noticed that when I would clean my mask later in the evening that there would be a little water in it, like just little bits of water and would that cause leaks. I don't do that all the time, but does the mask need to be completely dry?

For me it does.   I always clean as soon as I get up in the morning so will usually be dry.  Another alternative is to have two make…one to wash and one to wear!    Now go ride your bike!!!    :)

richard graham said:

Hey one more thing, I noticed that when I would clean my mask later in the evening that there would be a little water in it, like just little bits of water and would that cause leaks. I don't do that all the time, but does the mask need to be completely dry?
Thank you

Exercise makes a big difference in how I feel.  If I do as little as 15 minutes a day of brisk walking plus about two minutes of lifting weights, there is a difference in how I feel.

Ginny Edmundson said:

I have to force myself to go for a 30-40 minute brisk walk usually 5 days a week.  I won't let myself go shopping unless my walk is done.  I try to play a mind game with myself.  It is so much easier to sit and do nothing.  But I do feel better after walking.  Maybe you can star gradually on th bike…10 minutes twice a day for several days increasing to 15 minutes etc. Good luck!

richard graham said:

I have a bad ankle so I don't go for walks but I do have a stationary bike that may help.

Hi Richard.  If your cpap is not working  optimally you're probably going to feel depressed and low energy.  If the mask is leaking badly you are not getting a good treatment.  I know how hard it is to get a mask that fits-  I've been having trouble myself lately.  I really feel it, too. I'm tired and very irritable.  I've been on cpap seven years now and it does seem like we should have it down pat by now.  Blaming yourself is not good.  If your cpap was really working you might find yourself losing weight as you'll feel like being more active.  They are doing research all the time and coming up with new products.  I sure wish they would just come up with a pill!

Good luck, keep us posted on how you're doing.

They need to hurry up with the new stuff!!!!   I am so sick of the whole mess!

Mary Z said:

Hi Richard.  If your cpap is not working  optimally you're probably going to feel depressed and low energy.  If the mask is leaking badly you are not getting a good treatment.  I know how hard it is to get a mask that fits-  I've been having trouble myself lately.  I really feel it, too. I'm tired and very irritable.  I've been on cpap seven years now and it does seem like we should have it down pat by now.  Blaming yourself is not good.  If your cpap was really working you might find yourself losing weight as you'll feel like being more active.  They are doing research all the time and coming up with new products.  I sure wish they would just come up with a pill!

Good luck, keep us posted on how you're doing.

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