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This is from a correspondence I've been having with Susan McCord, who gave me permission to share it with all you on the forum. Italicized emphasis is my own... Will be interested to hear what you guys think she should do:

"I've been sicker than a dog with this CPAP/sinus stuff since the day after Christmas. Nobody, including my sleep doc will really discuss it with me or else they just dismiss it. This has been going on, off and on, since shortly after I started CPAP in July.

Today I was at my cardiologist for a checkup, and was telling him about all this ongoing. Usually it goes away spontaneously in 2-3 days--this time it's hung on for 10 days so far. Can't stand it.

Anyway, cardiologist, who's also an internist prior, told me it's not uncommon at ALL for pts. on CPAP to have this and that I have an infection. I asked him why the MDs don't tell us about it--he and I have a VERY open relationship and he knows I can't stand having smoke blown up my ass--he told me it's because the sleep docs are so worried about compliance that they don't tell pts. about the possibility of sinus complications AND that it's not uncommon for them to avoid talking about it even if pts. bring it up. They tend to assign the sinus problems to something else.

I was mildly horrified and, frankly, I think he is too. He told me to talk to my PCP and get started on an antibiotic and whatever else PCP recs. He also said people usually stay off CPAP for a week or so till the infection clears. THAT scares me to death. I don't think I'm gonna do it. Internet says to d/c too, but I don't think I can......what do you think I should do???"

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I am an RRT who has been setting up pts.on CPAP for several years.

Two things come to mind.  Someone suggested cleaning their CPAP supplies often which is a good idea but people often forget about their filters.  Whatever collects in your filter, be it pet dander, etc. you are breathing it in through your CPAP and that can cause infection.  Also, often when people come in to have their CPAP checked I notice how filthy their filters are.  If you have a disposable filter you can get one every month and a non-disposable every three months.

Secondly, if you have a high set pressure that can be very drying and you'll need humidity.  If you're using humidity and you're still dry turn up the setting.  Dryness can feel like stuffiness and a sinus problem.

Hope this helps.


Oh don't say such  things!  I  have had a bunch of  sinus issues, since I started Cpap.   I''m going to clean this thing much more  often.


A series of colds and mild fevers, that last days.   What a dilemma!


Plus -- the power of suggestion! Now, every headache and sinus discomfort I get, I'm gonna blame the Cpap. 

Mike C,

Sorry I don't remember, but have you seen an ENT?

If not I highly recommend visiting one for a flexible scope examine of your nasal airway and larnyx and of course a discussion about your ear infections.

I was lucky enough to have a top-notch ENT who has a subspecialty of sleep apnea. He is in the same practice as my sleep doc and works closely with her.

Hi Susan,

As I wrote before, as soon as I started using the CPAP I developed a sinus issue (not sure if it was a full blown infection or not but I could not breathe through my nose at all.) I was perfectly FINE prior to using the CPAP. I was able to clear up my sinuses using natural fungal supplements because in the past antibiotics have usually made things better for a short period and much worse for the long haul. Since that time I have put 1-2 drops of Young Living's Eucalyptus radiata in the distilled water of the humidifier every night and have not had any further problems. It's anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory. It's recommended for respiratory and sinus infections. Not sure if this helps you but it certainly nipped my sinus issue in the bud. Hope you find something that helps~



Hi Mike, I have found sipping clear beef or chicken broth and inhailing the worm steam from
them to be comforting.Tea is also good. Good Sleep,Chris
Mike C (at the Beach!) said:
Rooster I am still waiting till next Thursday (or Friday?). But had to go today since I can no longer hear. Plus the ear pain & nose bleeds required I see "someone" NOW.  My ENT lady Doctor is brilliant and my one huge hope. Very much recognized as one of the best in my area

Rooster said:

Mike C,

Sorry I don't remember, but have you seen an ENT?

If not I highly recommend visiting one for a flexible scope examine of your nasal airway and larnyx and of course a discussion about your ear infections.

I was lucky enough to have a top-notch ENT who has a subspecialty of sleep apnea. He is in the same practice as my sleep doc and works closely with her.

My sister is that allergic to cats, a huge problem in her life.   Did the doctor say it could be allergies?


Thanks for sharing.... I am going to spend the rest of the evening feeling very fortunate,sorry I have no idea except allergies aggravating an infection.    Is there  any way a foreign object could be in your sinuses somewhere?  



I can't believe this I never had a sinus infection in my whole life I'm 74 and I started on the cpap machine was on it two months fighting it and I got a reall bad sinus infection after about a month on the machine. I told my regular doc about the infection he gave me some antibotic for it. thats all he did. I told my my cpap doc about it he said or I told him I thought I had a sines infection he said yes you might if it gets too bad see your regular doc.It got so bad I couldn't use the cpap enough to get the proper time in so medicare would pay so Blue Cross would pay so They took the machine back so now no cpap machine unless I pay for it myself. Im' not very happy about this situation
I am on CPAP since 1997. I had sinus problems also.

My sinus problems oroginated from 2 sources

1 Cold air blowing in my nose. This was solved with a heated tube
2 Fungal sinus. We washed my water chamber, tube and mask, daily with a mixture of dishwasing liquid and bleach.

The importance of daily cleaning cannot be over emphasized. The fungus tends to like the situation witthe Cpap.

I don't know what kind of machine you have? Resmed and Fisher and Paykel has this feature. The airway functions best at body temp. The cold air blowing in your airway causes the sinus infection.

I have been there. It is not nice. To stop treatment is good for a few days. Not recommended for long run.

I hope you feel better soon.

Jan the
I also have sinus problems with my cpap. My solution has always been to tough it out. Going off the cpap is completly out of the question. I cannot function if I don't use it.So, when I say "tough it out", I mean simply treat the condition normally. Yes, your doctor is right, cpap has complications, and chronic sinus issues are a big one. I also am fighting chronic brocitis and pneumonia. Both are a result of the cpap. I wish I had something more incouraging to add.

Mike, I haven't had sinus or ear infections, but have struggled with sinus discomfort since starting my CPAP therapy in October.  Every time it would flair it was like having a really bad head cold (congestion, draining, sneezing, totally miserable feeling).  I started doing everything people posted here, and documenting results, and now I am glad to say it's been about three months with no issue.  It took the following:

1.  Weekly cleaning with a very mild solution including a vinegar rinse

2.  Daily Neti Pot rinses

3.  Setting humidity to 4 on my machine

4.  Using only one brand (CVS) of distilled water - no idea but Walmart irritated my sinuses

5.  Completely stopping all decongestants

6.  A supply of Benedry for that "tickle"

Overall, I use a Benedryl now about one time every two weeks, I get like a tickle in my left sinus that will make me sneeze.  I know it seems like a lot, however, I see this as a situation of my own creation.  Since I am overweight, I also committed to working out daily and have dropped 42lbs since being diagnosed, and that helps.  I continue to exercise daily and try to eat reasonably without feeling like I can't live my life.  For me, it's all about balance.  I don't know if any of those things will help you, I would think maybe you have a sensitivity to something in the water or in the mask/tubing.  I seriously tried distilled water from CVS, Meijer, Walmart, and Kroger and found CVS seemed to be least irritating.  Hope it helps.

Man, I feel so horrible for you!  I have been very fortunate with just what I have experienced, and when you know the doc's aren't always as 'helpful' as we know they could be, it's more maddening!  I hope the collective figures something out for you!!!

Mike C (at the Beach!) said:


  That is plain WEIRD! I coincidentally have only used CVS distilled water since I get my medicines filled there as well. Also set my humidifier at 4 OR 5 depending on room humidity every night. Use my Nealmed HYPERTONIC solution TWICE per day, every day as well. Same with decongestants and Benedryl. only use it more often. Still I sit here with no hearing...This time in my right ear. But there is hope. I think my ear drum perforated last night since I have draining and less pain. Hey! THAT is called hope?   :-((
Stacy Williams said:

Mike, I haven't had sinus or ear infections, but have struggled with sinus discomfort since starting my CPAP therapy in October.  Every time it would flair it was like having a really bad head cold (congestion, draining, sneezing, totally miserable feeling).  I started doing everything people posted here, and documenting results, and now I am glad to say it's been about three months with no issue.  It took the following:

1.  Weekly cleaning with a very mild solution including a vinegar rinse

2.  Daily Neti Pot rinses

3.  Setting humidity to 4 on my machine

4.  Using only one brand (CVS) of distilled water - no idea but Walmart irritated my sinuses

5.  Completely stopping all decongestants

6.  A supply of Benedry for that "tickle"

Overall, I use a Benedryl now about one time every two weeks, I get like a tickle in my left sinus that will make me sneeze.  I know it seems like a lot, however, I see this as a situation of my own creation.  Since I am overweight, I also committed to working out daily and have dropped 42lbs since being diagnosed, and that helps.  I continue to exercise daily and try to eat reasonably without feeling like I can't live my life.  For me, it's all about balance.  I don't know if any of those things will help you, I would think maybe you have a sensitivity to something in the water or in the mask/tubing.  I seriously tried distilled water from CVS, Meijer, Walmart, and Kroger and found CVS seemed to be least irritating.  Hope it helps.

Great..... I just purchased the Controll111 disinfectant.  Is it really not good to use on the hose weekly?????   What should I be using?

Mike C (at the Beach!) said:

Thanks Jan,


  I have a Respironics full software enabled APAP. And I have been warned by my DME I am OVER cleaning! I am flat lost at this point. Especially when they warned me the

Control III Disinfectant CPAP Cleaning   Solution - 16 oz Concentrate was probably NOT a good idea????

Jan vanNiekerk t SnoringElephant said:

I am on CPAP since 1997. I had sinus problems also.

My sinus problems oroginated from 2 sources

1 Cold air blowing in my nose. This was solved with a heated tube
2 Fungal sinus. We washed my water chamber, tube and mask, daily with a mixture of dishwasing liquid and bleach.

The importance of daily cleaning cannot be over emphasized. The fungus tends to like the situation witthe Cpap.

I don't know what kind of machine you have? Resmed and Fisher and Paykel has this feature. The airway functions best at body temp. The cold air blowing in your airway causes the sinus infection.

I have been there. It is not nice. To stop treatment is good for a few days. Not recommended for long run.

I hope you feel better soon.

Jan the

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