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This is from a correspondence I've been having with Susan McCord, who gave me permission to share it with all you on the forum. Italicized emphasis is my own... Will be interested to hear what you guys think she should do:

"I've been sicker than a dog with this CPAP/sinus stuff since the day after Christmas. Nobody, including my sleep doc will really discuss it with me or else they just dismiss it. This has been going on, off and on, since shortly after I started CPAP in July.

Today I was at my cardiologist for a checkup, and was telling him about all this ongoing. Usually it goes away spontaneously in 2-3 days--this time it's hung on for 10 days so far. Can't stand it.

Anyway, cardiologist, who's also an internist prior, told me it's not uncommon at ALL for pts. on CPAP to have this and that I have an infection. I asked him why the MDs don't tell us about it--he and I have a VERY open relationship and he knows I can't stand having smoke blown up my ass--he told me it's because the sleep docs are so worried about compliance that they don't tell pts. about the possibility of sinus complications AND that it's not uncommon for them to avoid talking about it even if pts. bring it up. They tend to assign the sinus problems to something else.

I was mildly horrified and, frankly, I think he is too. He told me to talk to my PCP and get started on an antibiotic and whatever else PCP recs. He also said people usually stay off CPAP for a week or so till the infection clears. THAT scares me to death. I don't think I'm gonna do it. Internet says to d/c too, but I don't think I can......what do you think I should do???"

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A few things from my experience:

1. Use distilled water. There's nothing to be gained in blowing who knows what up your nose. Distilled water all the time.
2. Check with your doctor about adjusting the pressure. It can be critical to your well-being. My machine doesn't allow me to adjust the pressure because they feel it's critical and users shouldn't fool with it.
3. I finally quit using the humidifier at all. I live in a humid coastal climate and I find I'm much better off without the added humidity. Once I dropped the humidifier, my sinus problems completely went away.
4. I guess it's important to change the headgear and tubing twice a year, to combat the buildup of bacteria, but I'm not clear on that.

For what it's worth.

Stacy Williamis said:
Okay, so I am a new user, got my machine October 1st. My first night with any machine was the second sleep study and it was AWESOME, didn't wake up all night, woke up feeling great, very excited about using this thing. Now, at home, with my machine, I am suffering. It's only my left sinus, let's start there. I feel like I need to sneeze CONSTANTLY. My eye starts watering, nose running, etc. It's like having a cold with no end in sight. This happened after three nights of use, so I stopped because I kept sneezing and coughing from draining, thinking it would pass (thought it might be a cold considering the season), got fine in three days, started again, three days later, it's all back, and WORSE. The only things I can think are as follows:

1. I used tap water, which is well water, instead of distilled because I didn't have distilled yet. I am getting that today, but with no guarantee it won't continue anyway.
2. I have adjusted the humifier from 1-3, 1 left me dry, 3 gave me rainout, so I leave it at 2 now, is that right?
3. I adjusted the pressure when I found the 12 they set it at ('script says it should be 10) was blowing my mouth open, I was apparently opening my mouth at night, waking up wiht a HORRIBLE dry throat. At 10 I don't get that, and I dropped to 9 until this is resolved.

I have no problem with the mask fit, seal, nothing. No issues falling asleep or sleeping with it on. It's this sinus thing that is disruptive. I have not had a sinus issue in 15 years until this. Is it the well water? I guess it could contain some contaminants??? HELP! I love my machine, how it makes me feel, but this having to sneeze all the time SUCKS.

Stacy, definitely change to distilled water, what you did with the humidity sounds right. The only other thing I would suggest is to check in with your Doc, or his nurse and let them know what's going on and what you are doing. Since everything was fine at the sleep lab, the well water may be the culprit. Have you changed masks or anything else? Don't leave your doc out of the loop while you're still so new at this.
Good Luck,
Keep us posted

Stacy Williamis said:
Okay, so I am a new user, got my machine October 1st.
I accidentally used tap water in mine when I went on a trip...and OH MY GOSH.. I thought I would die.. The smell was awful.. I felt like I could even taste it..I would NEVER use anything but distilled water in mine EVER ! I went right out the next morning and bought distilled water so I would NEVER have to experience THAT again. I keep my heater OFF..and water in my humidifier..the only setting I have is on top by it..and it controls heat..I am guessing. I like the air I breath at night to be COOL..not warm at all. I have horrible sinus problems..but since using my CPAP I have no problems at night while I am sleeping. I use a full face mask for the sole purpose that I KNOW I must open my mouth at times when I am sleeping..and it does not matter with a full face mask. I tried a nasal one once for about ohhh 2 the moment I opened my mouth it was like a hurricane flying out of my mouth and took my breath away and scared the crudola outta me.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the help! Last night, finally, I got through the entire night uninterupted (didn't even get up to go to the bathroom) with my CPAP in use! YAY! I drained and cleaned the tank, switched to distilled water, and started using a Neti Pot twice a day to flush and moisturize. Seems to do the trick. I am still having to use a nasal decongestant spray one time per day, but it's getting better and better. I have reset the machine pressure to match the prescription they gave me (10) and I woke up today feeling GREAT! Again, thank you so much to all of you, I would have given up, I think, had you not all been so positive that this was something that could be fixed!
Just want to share, still able to use it nightly now with NO issues. I use a Neti Pot twice a day, and that seems to keep my nose from being so irritated and having so much sneezing! I still sneeze a few times a day, but at least it's not like I have COLD! I am so grateful to have found this site and you friends!!!

Okay, so, here it is almost two months later, I have been using this as much as possible, and I say that because I still get bouts where I can't breathe/sneezing is so horrible.  I have been regularly (weekly) cleaning everything and drying it thoroughly... anyone else have this situation?  I still use my neti pot twice a day, but the congestion and sneezing seem ever present.

Stacy, On October 17 you said you are using a nasal decongestant spray daily. Are you still using that? Exactly which spray is it?


Earlier you said the problem is only with your left sinus. Is this still the case?


What position(s) do you sleep in?


Is it correct you get the sneezing bouts only when using CPAP? How often are the bouts and how long do they last?


Are you using the prepackaged salts with the neti pot?


How are you using the CPAP humidifier? Water? Setting? How much water is consumed from the tank each night? What climate do you live in? What is the relative humidity in your bedroom?


Have you checked that the filters in your CPAP are clean?


What medications are you taking?

Hi I agree that the CPAP could be a reason. I have had the problem, but have since changed over to a heated tube and heated himification.


This solved my sinus problems with the CPAP about 90%.


I must say that I stuggled a LOT. I used to visit the ENT about once a month.


They discovered that I have a fungal type of sinus problem. It included my reaction to cleaning materials containing iodine.


My wife started to keep our showers mould free, our bathtowls are tuble dried every morning. Since then I have reduced my visits every 2 years. I must say that I stopped using antibiotics for my sinus because it agrivated my sinus.


I believe it is a combination of every thing. Your lungs expect the air at about 37 degrees 100% humidity.


Kind regards



Hi Rooster;

I will try to hit them all:

1.  I have not had to use a decongestant much at all, when I do, it's the extra moisturizing Afrin (I think).  I use a saline spray more now and that decongestant less, maybe twice a week.

2.  Both sides are still getting irritated, but the 'sneeze' feeling always comes from the exact same spot in the left side, yes.

3.  On my sides, mostly my left side, but I tend to roll over at night

4.  Yes, the sneezing seems to follow a three or four day of use of my CPAP.  Then I will sneeze and feel like I have a head cold for about three days.

5.  Yes, I am using that solution mixture in my pot.

6.  The humidifier is set to 3 and it goes through about 1/2 of the water each night.  Daily I dump that, let it dry out during the day, and refill with distilled water.  I am in a fairly humid environment (except now, when its so cold) and we run a room humidifier in the room as well.  My husband does not have a humidifier on his machine, and he has no issues at all.

7.  Cleaned the resevoir and tube assembly and mask thoroughly this weekend.  Generally clean it weekly with a very mild solution of vinegar and water and let thoroughly dry before reassembling.

8.  I take a blood pressure medication in the mornings, and I take metformin for diabetes at night.  I take cinnamon, fish oil and a Prevacid at night as well.


It's very frustrating.  I keep at it because I really feel FANTASTIC other than the sinus thing.  It's amazing the positive impact on my morning blood sugar and my blood pressure, so I know it's working, it's helping, but I have to get this other issue under control.

Thank you for any insight you can offer!  I don't want to end up on ANOTHER pill, I think it has to be some kind of issue I am creating.




2.  Both sides are still getting irritated, but the 'sneeze' feeling always comes from the exact same spot in the left side, yes.

3.  On my sides, mostly my left side, but I tend to roll over at night

Sleeping on one's sides is a good thing for CPAPers to do. However there are minor disadvantages. Blood will collect in the blood vessels of the nostril on the side you are sleeping on. Over some period of time, minutes or hours, the membranes may swell and cause congestion. Hopefully it takes some hours before this happens and if it awakens you, just roll to the other side and the swelling will subside, however eventually the same problem happens in the other nostril.


5.  Yes, I am using that solution mixture in my pot.

I get the best results when doing a warm rinse as soon as arising and another one near bedtime. Make sure to use the right amount of water and the premeasured salt packets.


6.  The humidifier is set to 3 and it goes through about 1/2 of the water each night.  Daily I dump that, let it dry out during the day, and refill with distilled water.  I am in a fairly humid environment (except now, when its so cold) and we run a room humidifier in the room as well.  My husband does not have a humidifier on his machine, and he has no issues at all.

This is the point that concerns me most. Living in a humid climate, running a room humidifier, and using a CPAP humidifier sounds like trouble - too much humidity. Do you know what your room humidity is? The way to tell is with an inexpensive hygrometer, ... a833fc8e14. One of the cheap ones from a pet shop is adequate but if you want something fancy looking you can find that also.
In humid climates most homes don't need supplemental humidity except maybe for a few days in the coldest part of the winter. Once you determine what your room humidity is at various times of the year compare it with healthy levels. According to the Mayo Clinic, , the optimum relative humidity for the wellbeing of a house as well as the health of its occupants is between 30 and 50% relative humidity.

Outside of this range the growth of bacteria, fungi, viruses as well as increased chemical offgassing and ozone production is promoted.

So be careful about using a home humidifier and a CPAP humidifier. I am in a humid climate and do not use a CPAP humidifier or a room humidifier with one exception. In the coldest part of the winter when the gas heat dries the air below 35 or 40% relative humidity, I will use the CPAP humidifier on a setting of one or two for just a few nights.



.... a Prevacid ....

This is also of considerable concern  because stomach juices can enter the nasal passages at times. One of the best things that can be done for acid reflux is to elevate the head of the bed four to eight inches. Eight is better but many people find it uncomfortable to sleep if the elevation is much above four inches.

You can buy bed risers inexpensively at Bed, Bath and Beyond or make your own from instructions found by googling.


The Mayo Clinic has some excellent additional lifestyle and home remedies for treating acid reflux at


Of course I don't know what is causing your sneezing problems and what the solution is. However if you take care of these four points I hope the problem will resolve itself.


Good luck and let us know how the sneezing goes.

I have never had a sinus infection while using my CPAP, in fact, I think that CPAP has made my sinuses better as I used to get them all the time.  I've felt that the humidified air has contributed to me having healthier sinuses.  I'm sorry you are experiencing the opposite.

For what it may be worth to others:

I have happily used a cpap for several years.

I had a lot of sinus trouble last year, with a runny nose, but so far am doing fine this Spring. I used to take Excedrin to control the pain and sometimes switched to an antihistimine. I found time-release Vitamin C (Bronson, 500-1000mg at a time) to be as good as and gentler than antihistimine.

Present practice:

Daily sinus rinse with saline solution.

Started using humidifier, which improves comfort. I think cold night air was irritating my sinuses. May not need himidifier in the Summer.

No (very little)  sugar, refined wheat or rice in diet. Helped shed some belly fat.

I use Astelin nasal spay faithfully 2x each nostril twice a day. Seems to help.

I wash my cpap equipment once a week with detergent and hot water.

I started drinking a big glass of orange juice every day. Also seems to help.

I take several supplements, some with anti-inflammatory properties, others with other benefits, according to recent scientific studies. These include Omega-3, Resverarol, Coenzyme Q10, Pyrroloquinone quinoline (sp?). The later (in LE "Mitochonrial Energy Optimizer") is supposed to stimulate the production of strong mitochondria and support general health. I also take niacin (requires caution) and have excellent cholesterol levels for the first time.

I am feeling strong, healthy and alert (able to working on a writing project).

Goal is to keep losing fat and see if that eventually helps with apnea.

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