In recent months, I have developed extreme dry mouth as a result of the CPAP. I am a mouth breather when using CPAP.
Recently, I saw an advertisement for the symptoms of dry mouth, but as usual, when I need the information to have a discussion with both my primary care physician and my dentist I haven't seen the ad.
Has anyone else seen the ad and can anyone remember the info in the ad?
Do you use a chin strap? If you're a mouth breather, you may need a chin strap to keep your mouth closed. It's important to keep it closed throughout the night for a lot of reasons -- dental, teeth, etc., etc.
I've also used a 3M's Micropore tape to close my mouth overnight. I've found the tape helpful, but must be careful when I remove it in the morning otherwise it pulls off too harshly. Here's the link at Amazon to get more information: