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I'm not a smoker. I quit cigarettes cold turkey in April 08 before I started Apnea treatment (got my machine in June 08)..............Problem is I have a new girlfriend. I care for this woman a great deal, I could even say I love her and want to marry her.

Now that's not the problem.

The problem is that she's a smoker.

She's been over my house, slept over.

She doesn't smoke in the apartment, she goes outside if she wants a smoke. But being smoke-free these days, I have a tremendous ability to smell cigarette odor or the residual cigarette smoke and this stuff reeks on her hair, her body, the pores of her skin, her clothes, pillow, bags etc.

Can this smell get into my BPAP? Get into my lungs when I inhale the room air through my mask? Mess up the workings and the sensors of my machine?

Is there a way to get the smell of cigarettes out of an apartment or bedroom?

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If you have a Resprionics BiPAP, the white " ultra-fine" filter blocks particles down to 0,3 microns. That's not a HEPA fillter, but pretty close. If you check and change your filters regularly, it shouldn't be a problem.
This sounds encouraging.

Thank you, Daniel.

Daniel said:
If you have a Resprionics BiPAP, the white " ultra-fine" filter blocks particles down to 0,3 microns. That's not a HEPA fillter, but pretty close. If you check and change your filters regularly, it shouldn't be a problem.
It's all a gamble...................Can I or can we find the love and the married life that I'm yearning for, that she is yearning for, that we are yearning for and what are the variables which go into the mix?

I'm posting here about what I risk by getting involved with a smoker. I'm sure she'll think about and ask about what she risks by getting involved with me and that's something she should think about and ask about. In my case my fear isn't about being exposed to smoke per se but it's about cigarette smoke or RESIDUE/ODOR/PARTICLES from cigarette smoke messing up my BPAP, my therapy, my breathing.

I stop breathing at sleep onset, this has been going on since April 08 and I quit cigarettes three days after this nonbreathing problem began. I'm only able to sleep (with BPAP) by using generic ambien and L'Tryptophan. I sleep three hours, wake up, sleep another hour, and keep waking up every hour after and this may be due to leaks because of my high pressure.

My leaks go high each time I get a large cluster of apneas (as I see on EncoreViewer reports) and I usually wake and fix the leak.

I have had an uncomfortable, sort of burning like or a burning DENTED like feeling in my throat for a long time and this was before I quit smoking and it hasn't gone away. It comes back when I'm around odors that are unhealthy to breathe and her smoking (around me-outside the apartment and in her car) and cigarette odor brings the burning dented feeling.

I posted the original post in order to gain more knowledge so that I might better know if I can afford to take the chance of possibly living with and marrying a woman who will have smoke polluted items to bring with her into wherever we live, even if she quit smoking say sometime before that.
What kind of advice is that Mollete? Your probably going to die before her anyway and should just go back to smoking. How do you go from "Have you talked to your pasture about this?" to "Your probably going to die" ?!

BP you should not start smoking again. If you truly love this woman and smoking is an issue for you talk to her about it. If she cares the same way for you then you will come to a reasonable solution that both of you can live with. If she won't compromise with you now chances are she won't down the road later. Either way this conversation could give you the answers you are looking for.

Mollete said:
Statisically, if you look at the differences between men and women smokers;

Risks: Male vs Female:

"Among male cigarette smokers, the risk of lung cancer is more than 2,000 percent higher than among male nonsmokers; for women, the risks were approximately 1,200 percent greater."

and realize that quitting doesn't give you immediate immunity from the health dangers;

Risks: When You Quit

"people who quit smoking before age 50 have one-half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with people who keep smoking."

considering you just quit a year ago so are only halfway into this statistic, you're probably going to die before her anyway and should just go back to smoking. That would solve the conflict.

Holy Smokes, no puns intended.

I thought this forum was to help people with OSA. Not to tell them to go to church and talk to a pastor, which in my mind is religion. Or to talk to someone about relationships. In the rules of this forum both topics are off limits. This forum is meant to help people with the challenges of OSA not to be angry, mean or hurtful no matter what your personal opinion might be. It is sad to see thing go this direction. Like my Mother used to say to me, "If you don't have something nice to say about someone, say nothing at all".

Rock Hinkle said:
What kind of advice is that Mollete? Your probably going to die before her anyway and should just go back to smoking. How do you go from "Have you talked to your pasture about this?" to "Your probably going to die" ?!

BP you should not start smoking again. If you truly love this woman and smoking is an issue for you talk to her about it. If she cares the same way for you then you will come to a reasonable solution that both of you can live with. If she won't compromise with you now chances are she won't down the road later. Either way this conversation could give you the answers you are looking for.

Mollete said:
Statisically, if you look at the differences between men and women smokers;

Risks: Male vs Female:

"Among male cigarette smokers, the risk of lung cancer is more than 2,000 percent higher than among male nonsmokers; for women, the risks were approximately 1,200 percent greater."

and realize that quitting doesn't give you immediate immunity from the health dangers;

Risks: When You Quit

"people who quit smoking before age 50 have one-half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with people who keep smoking."

considering you just quit a year ago so are only halfway into this statistic, you're probably going to die before her anyway and should just go back to smoking. That would solve the conflict.

Back to the bipap and sleep problems, That burning and dented feeling sounds worrying. I can see why you'd want to make sure you weren't getting any foreign particles in thru your machine. The filters are good, and I did also see there are filters that can go between your machine and your hose, but apparently they can also possibly affect your pressure so you might want to ask the advice of your sleep doc on those. plus it says not to use it if you use a heated humidifier.

I hope you'll follow up with your doc about that throat burning thing though. That doesn't sound good.
I did not start a religious conversation! I only responded to your bad advice. I have kept my mouth shut when you corrected, and spoke over me. however I will not let you treat the members of this site the way you have. You do have the right to say whatever you want on sleepguide. does that give you the right to judge? I don't think so. You claim to know so much about us yet you think Beeasleep is a moderator. LOL

If you want to start a religious conversation feel free to start a post. I will debate with you. I must warn you my mother was catholic, my father was southern baptist, and my grandparents were both Lutheren ministers. I am an active member of my local jewish community center and a novice religious history buff. I have read the old and new testiment, as well as the qu'ran. It's funny how they all bring you back to the same ROCK in their true beginnings. Bring your guns lady. Lets talk Allah
Hopefully we can get back on topic.
I've been trying to ignore this hateful creature. Apparently ignoring this troll won't work.

I'm sorry to take my own thread into a spam situation but I don't see any other option.

First of all, Mollette doesn't know me. How dare she pass judgement on me. I've been far from perfect, I admit that, I answer to God, I answer to whoever I might wrong or have wronged in my life...............I don't see any reason for having to answer to "MOLL-ette" and I also note that people like Rock here are doing God's work by helping others while Mollette claims to be a minister and claims a superior knowledge of religion to Rock yet she tries to tear people apart on-line and WERE she wanting to help me, she'd e-mail me in private rather than spam this board.

Her first three points about me are no reason to criticize me. Yes I have trouble with my treatment, yes I ask questions. So what? Isn't that what sleep apnea forums are for? I notice that "TROLLETTE" hasn't posted answers to my questions, she just keeps some sort of score (for some reason that probably only a good mental health professional could fathom) and now choses to troll my posts with.

The next three are about this troll's unasked for/unwanted/unaware interpretation of my relations with women. The troll doesn't know the whole story because the whole story hasn't been posted and I don't care WHAT she "deduces" from my writings. Did she interview the ladies I know or knew? Did she ever see me on a date?

The next few complaints are out and out lies! I don't know how or where she thinks I deleted any posts on another forum. I'm not a moderator, how can I delete any posts? Is she some sort of psychotic? Where posts are deleted and she automatically "knows" that I "deleted" them?

I apologize to the people of SleepGuide for my answering the troll, I like to think "please don't feed the trolls" but apparently that one won't go away and if she has anything more to say then she ought to say it in a private email to me but that would spoil all the "fun" (sic) that sick, hateful people "enjoy" doing to others.

Mollete said:
DDNight said:
"This is getting a little out of hand and has nothing to do with OSA."

As you were, Sergeant. The presence or absence of OSA is only one component in ascertaining whether or not a person will correct his excessive daytime sleepiness.

If you review the posting history of BPLink/riv/Buck222, you see that:

1. He still complains of severe excessive daytime sleepiness in spite of apparently effective treatment;
2. On the other hand, his posted CPAP titration results appear to be inconsistent (however, this cannot be effectively analyzed without a review of sleep architecture);
3. He has underlying sleep initiation/maintenance issues that mandate the continual use of pharmacological sleep aids;
4. Has an inability to establish relationships, especially with the opposite sex;
5. This is further confirmed by his desire to get married after knowing someone for only 2 weeks, which is basically an act of desperation;
6. His inability to establish relationships is undoubtedly caused by his own intolerance. For example, he is highly critical of his companion's smoking, yet only recently quit smoking himself. He should be in the perfect postion to understand his companion's difficulties, yet his focus on the self prevents that;
7. His intolerance was most recently exhibited on the cpaptalk discussion forum, where he deleted a number of posts that he felt were contradictory to his point of view;
8. The deleted posts, in fact, were observations about his intolerance (complaining why no one had responded to his posts, yet it had only been a few hours);
9. Consequently, his psychological immaturity would almost guarantee failure of his proposed relationship, imposing hardship on the other party;
10. On the other hand, if the other party is also a codependent, then the problem is probably insurmountable .
11. If his underlying issue is depression (a likely contributor), then time is being wasted blaming ineffective PAP therapy. That, of course, is simply another codependent behavior

Regardless, seeking counsel from professionals still stands as the best starting point ("IMO"). A pastor would have been a relatively benign beginning to try to initially overcome his control patterns.

Rock is helping people while you Mollette are trying to hurt people. If you are so much "higher"/"better"/"more qualified" in religion or spirituality than Rock is then please think about the way you have been acting and instead try to be a helpful, decent person like Rock and the people of SleepGuide are.

Mollete said:
Rock Hinkel wrote:
"I will debate with you."

Sorry, son, maybe some other time. Right now, I don't think you're ready to debate or discuss much of anything with mollete.

See you in the funny pages.



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