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I'd like to get a sense of what other disorders people are suffering from other than Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea usually causes a lot of other problems.

I found out recently that i am prediabetic.  I think that if i had gone another few years without treating OSA, i would have been a full blown diabetic by now.

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WELL.. we would have a LOT to talk I used to live in Groveland Mass..and Plaistow in Texas now
I would make the nachos... someone else could make the root beer floats...((wink))
One of the solutions I have found in my research is that many of us do not have "consistency" in our lives, (or when we "turn off our motors and lay down!") I have had to totally retrain myself to go to bed at almost exactly the same time EVERY NIGHT, regardless of whether I am really sleepy or not. Because of the reinforcement, it is finally working...I actually can talk my brain into shutting up and shutting down (my pun!) with the humming vibration of my air machine lulling me to sleep! I remember something called "shock reinforcement training" after Vietnam where we had to find a way to change our sleep patterns because of the "hyper-sleep attack-mode we were used to in combat zones. No wonder most of us got PTSD!!! The other thing I have found is that in order to sleep, you have to be able to trust that your world will be there to wake up to the following morning! With the chaos many of us have been living, that's near impossible right now! Some say STRESS is the biggest cause of death in the world right now...Yah, wondering "What the hell is going to go wrong next?" "Why do I feel so lousy when the Doctor cannot find anything wrong, and I have had thirteen useless tests already that tell me nothing?" "Who is going to pay for all of this @$#*%%!!!" Some one of you have some honest experiences that may help the rest of us, so don't just shut down because you feel silly talking about this silly condition called "APNEA!" Anyone know where that name came from, anyway???

Sheila Knowles said:
WELL.. we would have a LOT to talk I used to live in Groveland Mass..and Plaistow in Texas now
I would make the nachos... someone else could make the root beer floats...((wink))
I'm not diabetic, nor obese. I'm an abid athelete (I run half marathons) and my BMI is 22: I would say I'm pretty fit. But I have sleep apnea. What I know I've had since I was 15 years old (I'm 51 now) is DYSAUTONOMIA, an autonomic disorder, which includes Neurocardiogenic syncope. I also have relativey LOW blood pressure.
Having learned about electrolytes when I died in 1981, and finding out about the brain as it functions the control centers of the body (organs, etc) after a number of small strokes in 2004-2010; I find it easier to set it forth in electricians terms. Something goes wrong with the battery, the current quits flowing properly (through frayed wires (dendrites) perhaps) and shorts in the system begin to occur! As the system deteriorates without being fixed or replaced, things get worse! It has been my experience, in agreement with others, that the Apnea was not necessarily the cause nor was it the effect of other problems...but rather they seem to be intertwined as our bodies process mercury, arsenic, pesticides, toulenes and
PCBs, TCEs, etc. (I really do believe in the conspiracy theory that the government is allowing us to killed off by the "Profit Barons!"
Miko said:
I'm not diabetic, nor obese. I'm an abid athelete (I run half marathons) and my BMI is 22: I would say I'm pretty fit. But I have sleep apnea. What I know I've had since I was 15 years old (I'm 51 now) is DYSAUTONOMIA, an autonomic disorder, which includes Neurocardiogenic syncope. I also have relativey LOW blood pressure.
I have Syndrome X, Bipolar with Hypomanic Episodes, 3 low back surgeries, 1 neck surgery, Fibromyalgia, Cronic pain and Fatigue, Low vitamin D, Anemic,Tension and Migraine headaches,Insomnia and the list could go on and on and on. I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea a little over two years ago the Bipolar and back and neck surgeries were all pre-existing. That slumber party sounds like a plan although I wouldn't be able to sleep on the floor unless you got a crane to pick me up with the back issues I got not a good idea for me being on the floor just saying. LOL
Ok Kids , I signed up for weight watchers on line !! I'm gonna get MOVING TODAY. I really really need a change. well maybe after my nap. no really LOL !!
Just remember...If you don't put it on, you don't have to take it off! (Works with lots of things!)

candice said:
Ok Kids , I signed up for weight watchers on line !! I'm gonna get MOVING TODAY. I really really need a change. well maybe after my nap. no really LOL !!
there is an absenes of one disease one this list and that is gum disease
people who have gum disease usually have heart problems
i would hazzard a guess that the percentage is in the high ninetys or even 100 percent of us have gum disease
I guess I did have before they pulled almost all of my own teeth out..and I have store bought ones now.. pretty too..
gum disease and heart conditions DO go hand in hand tho'. Heart conditions run in my family..I would be tempted to
put them aside of sleep apnea symptoms. My Father died 3 months after he turned 60.. massive heart attack. My Mother
died at age 75 after all kinds of heart and lung problems ( triple bypass, emphysema). I think my Mother had some
sleep apnea too after watching her sleep in her chair during the day. She never was diagnosed or treated for it tho'.
I got the lung problems but not the far. No one in my family was ever diagnosed w/ sleep
apnea except myself and my son who died at age 22.

99 said:
there is an absenes of one disease one this list and that is gum disease
people who have gum disease usually have heart problems i would hazzard a guess that the percentage is in the high ninetys or even 100 percent of us have gum disease
Recently developed Tinnitus.. Have almost no hearing loss, so I suspect that the Co2 in the CPAP mask may have contributed to lack of oxygen and my new ailment
my Father died 3 months after he turned 50..didn't see my error until too late.. I am 58 feeling very lucky to be

Sheila Knowles said:
I guess I did have before they pulled almost all of my own teeth out..and I have store bought ones now.. pretty too..
gum disease and heart conditions DO go hand in hand tho'. Heart conditions run in my family..I would be tempted to
put them aside of sleep apnea symptoms. My Father died 3 months after he turned 60.. massive heart attack. My Mother
died at age 75 after all kinds of heart and lung problems ( triple bypass, emphysema). I think my Mother had some
sleep apnea too after watching her sleep in her chair during the day. She never was diagnosed or treated for it tho'.
I got the lung problems but not the far. No one in my family was ever diagnosed w/ sleep
apnea except myself and my son who died at age 22.

99 said:
there is an absenes of one disease one this list and that is gum disease
people who have gum disease usually have heart problems i would hazzard a guess that the percentage is in the high ninetys or even 100 percent of us have gum disease
There are two things we haven't touched on much...Genetics (specifics) and Metabolism. My parents were very poor, and ate "crap" food most of their lives growing up (both of them, and me too!) However, while my father seemed to be fairly average in energy consumption, my mother had a much higher metabolism, and was always small and thin! My father died of prostate cancer at age 83, my mother is still doing well at 84 (though frail)! I still find myself unable to really pinpoint where and why the Apnea came from, because I cannot get around the "Catch 22 Syndrome!"

Sheila Knowles said:
my Father died 3 months after he turned 50..didn't see my error until too late.. I am 58 feeling very lucky to be

Sheila Knowles said:
I guess I did have before they pulled almost all of my own teeth out..and I have store bought ones now.. pretty too..
gum disease and heart conditions DO go hand in hand tho'. Heart conditions run in my family..I would be tempted to
put them aside of sleep apnea symptoms. My Father died 3 months after he turned 60.. massive heart attack. My Mother
died at age 75 after all kinds of heart and lung problems ( triple bypass, emphysema). I think my Mother had some
sleep apnea too after watching her sleep in her chair during the day. She never was diagnosed or treated for it tho'.
I got the lung problems but not the far. No one in my family was ever diagnosed w/ sleep
apnea except myself and my son who died at age 22.

99 said:
there is an absenes of one disease one this list and that is gum disease
people who have gum disease usually have heart problems i would hazzard a guess that the percentage is in the high ninetys or even 100 percent of us have gum disease

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