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I'd like to get a sense of what other disorders people are suffering from other than Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea usually causes a lot of other problems.

I found out recently that i am prediabetic.  I think that if i had gone another few years without treating OSA, i would have been a full blown diabetic by now.

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are you on oxygen during the day? I have COPD or emphysema( depending on which doc you wanna listen to)..
I am not on oxygen during day ( yet)... and was wondering.. do you feel like there is a time frame in the morning where you
have to readjust to how to breath after taking off the CPAP? To me.. it feels like relearning how to breath on my own again each morning..then after that I seem pretty good for the rest of the day IF I don't overdo it somehow..

This reply was to Michael Sopp..but it put my reply here instead of under his entry..
Obesity; lipids out of whack - high tryglicerides - low bad cholesterol - good good cholesterol, trilipix; high bp, enalapril; hypothyroid, synthroid; low iron; allergies, flonase + zyrtec + patanol; depression - seroquel, lexapro, wellbutrin
When I have had my blood tested it has been standard procedure for it to be a "fasting blood sugar". I have been instructed that this means nothing to eat after midnight and a minimum of 8 hours before the blood is drawn. They have never given me a maximum time period. The number they're looking for is < 100. Between 100-125 is considered prediabetes. More than 125 and you're considered a diabetic.

Just from experience I know that the other time to test your blood sugar is 2 hours after you've eaten. They look for the blood sugar to be < 140 at that point.


99 said:
with diabeties when testing there is a small window of oppotunity of twelve to i belive sixteen hours and i was fasting longer than sixteen hours and my results used to come back negative which i belive is because of prolonged fasting
I am a male, 45 years old, and have been treating my OSA for over a year now with a ResMed machine and Swift FX nasal pillow. Other disorders that I am currently being treated for include: high blood pressure (Atenolol and Furosemide), obesity, and chronic tension-type headaches (Protriptyline). My sleep-study Doctor mentioned to me that I may find that the headaches may be less frequent and/or less severe with the use of the breathing machine. I am still on the protriptyline, but I find that I don't need as high a dose that I had before I was diagnosed with OSA. Perhaps there is a connection between the OSA and my chronic tension headaches? All I know is that if I can't use the breathing machine (because of a bad cold or sinus congestion), I have a whopper of a headache in the morning. Any one else out there with a similar problem??
Before treatment of OSA: migraine, high blood pressure, mild sensory neuropathy, high cholesterol, job burnout 2-3 times, CFS, insomnia, IBS, compulsive exerciser.

After treatment of OSA 5 years ago: no migraine, HBP controlled with meds, neuropathy improved, normal blood lipids on meds, no job (retired), no fatigue, no insomnia, IBS improved, compulsive exerciser.

Weight: 170lbs (the same at 17 yrs old)
Height: 5'10.5" (at 17yo: 5' 11.5")...
My sleep apnea was discovered after excess protein was found in my urine and a kidney biopsy was performed. Treatment was started and its still a challenge finding the right equipment that I can tolerate.

Now I have started using nasal pilows and the results are looking better.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2003. In 2007 I was diagnosed with plasmacytoma a blood cancer that forms tumors on the mucosa which they now realize is what caused the sleep apnea. Too bad the Dr.'s didn't try to figure out why I had sleep apnea previously I could have avoided some of the radiation therapy and chemo treatments.
OCFP. I can't help it. LOL!
Benign Essential Tremor,

You opened a can of worms with this one, Mike. I'll bet it goes on as long as what kind of work do you do.
memory and cognition problems
Foaming at the mouth

Banyon said:
OCFP - Obsessive Compulsive Forum Posting.
that is because of not breathing or oxygen starvation you get these headaches

Steven Charles Schneider said:
I am a male, 45 years old, and have been treating my OSA for over a year now with a ResMed machine and Swift FX nasal pillow. Other disorders that I am currently being treated for include: high blood pressure (Atenolol and Furosemide), obesity, and chronic tension-type headaches (Protriptyline). My sleep-study Doctor mentioned to me that I may find that the headaches may be less frequent and/or less severe with the use of the breathing machine. I am still on the protriptyline, but I find that I don't need as high a dose that I had before I was diagnosed with OSA. Perhaps there is a connection between the OSA and my chronic tension headaches? All I know is that if I can't use the breathing machine (because of a bad cold or sinus congestion), I have a whopper of a headache in the morning. Any one else out there with a similar problem??
Yep me too ,high bp "allergies" nose eyes itchy runny stuffy, hiatal hernia ,catarac left eye, gerd, arthritus ,scoliosis,severe apnea...on cpap year and half . ruptered appendix, obesity weight goes up down. forgetful ....what were talking about?

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