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I'd like to get a sense of what other disorders people are suffering from other than Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea usually causes a lot of other problems.

I found out recently that i am prediabetic.  I think that if i had gone another few years without treating OSA, i would have been a full blown diabetic by now.

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i am diabetic
when i telephone the an insurance company they said diabetics have heart disease i think that should be widely know but is not and needs to be advertised a lot more
i now find out that i have had silent heart attacks for which i am going on a treadmill this thursday
i have hypertension that is high blood pressure

i think i have a thyroid problem but want to continue down the cardac route first before pursuing that
My sleep apnea was discovered after I had a heart attack. I also have prediabetes.
High blood pressure, ( Lisinapril (sp)it is controlled) high cholesterol, (Lipitor) Type 2 diabetes, Metformen).
The most obvious stat is obesity. I fall right into that category, and feel if I could better manage my weight then apnea, back problems, and a lot of other issues would be better.
Acromegaly(Sandostatin Depot Lar Injections), Hypothyroidism(Synthroid), BPH(Tamsulosin), Arthritis in the Spine and big Toes, High Cholesterol, (Lipitor) Type 2 diabetes, (Metformin). Most of which are a result of the Acromegaly or Sandostatin Injections.
with diabeties when testing there is a small window of oppotunity of twelve to i belive sixteen hours and i was fasting longer than sixteen hours and my results used to come back negative which i belive is because of prolonged fasting
Great Question and I am interested to see the outcome. Diagnosed with OSA 8 yrs ago as a part of Fibromyalgia diagnosis. Sleep study shows "Alpha Delta Sleep Anomaly" as well. Obese, high cholesterol, HBP and arthritic. December of 2009 diagnosed with non insulin dependant diabetes (type 2.) Lost 60 lbs and the diabetes, high cholesterol, HBP are non issues now. OSA, arthritis, fibro and no restorative sleep are still problems.
I have multiple sclerosis and I must use a power chair all of the time, can't walk, or stand, can't turn over in bed, fingers are affected, everything is affected. i'm hypothyroid also.
Mike as a clinician i have even pulled clients out of the ICU post MI due to untreated OSA. Typically the most common dx of prescribed OSA clients are: High Blood Pressure #1, Diabetes i would say mostly in overweight clients as being overweight also puts you into other risks factors. Therefore, obesity is probably one of the other dx's that people suffer from. Have OSA really doesn't help with feeling like exercising. Although other comorbidities or risks like cardiac disease, stroke etc... are associated with OSA Hight Blood Pressure and Diabetes I believe are the most common.
I was told I snored and kicked my legs while I was sleeping. After sleep study sleep apnea was diagnosed. Also RLS. After going on CPAP I no longer snore and don't kick my legs either. Made me wonder if RLS was from lack of oxygen during the night...since it seemed to go away. Thank goodness. there was NO way I was going to take a drug that can cause you to fall asleep w/out notice while doing normal activities such as " driving a car".. sheesh. I just spent 7 days in the hospital where they told me I was around stage 3 emphysema. I find the first hour of the day after coming off my CPAP the hardest. It almost feels like my lungs have to RELEARN how to breath on their own again after sleeping with forced air all night long. Also wondered if anyone else noticed the difference in sleeping on one side or another....I breath good on my right side then when I turn to sleep on my left side I burp a lot like I have swallowed a lot of air. ALSO... I tend to feel a bit claustrophobic ( full face mask) unless I put my hand up and can feel the exhaust air coming out of the mask. I suppose that psychologically it reassures me that a lot of air is going IN and coming OUT of the mask. I sleep w/ one hand up so the breeze is blowing on it. Is that strange?? lol. Heart disease runs in my family but luckily I have no signs of that yet. Perhaps a sign that using CPAP is helping ALL around. My Father died right after he turned 50 and my Mom died when she was 75. She had triple bypass. Tests showed I have slight amt plaque around heart but within normal ranges. With my son, the extreme amount of weight he gained in last 6 months caused enlargement of his heart. ( 3 times normal size) and the autopsy stated failure of the pituitary gland. Failure of his heart. His sleep apnea was extreme.
Fibromyalgia, allergies, chronic sinusitis, LPRD
Allergies, High blood pressure, chronic insomnia, ADD, chronic dry skin.

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