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What is an AVERAGE pressure? My doctor and sleep lab person was shocked at mine...I am at 18. I am guessing that is bad....booo!

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I went for a sleepover last night at the Sleep Centre. My setting was 9+. The nurse told me that I ended up on 13+. I use an extra online filter for atmospheric pollution so I have to add one more when I set it. It's great to see a thread like this!
I have a buddy who is at 30 He is the highest at the hospital I go to.. its hard for him to get a good mask... I"m not sure he doesnt have a Bipap...

My doctor is kind of an anomaly up here .. she wants everyone who has a machine from her practice to know how to change the pressures ,,, she feels that this increases folks usage... The supply companies want to be in control and its hard to get them to adhere to her prescriptions.. Mine is at 11.5 now
We also have meetings every other month where people talk about problems they have with their treatments or cheer for successes...
I am at 10 psi
I'm comfortable at that presure
I am a 12. The RT at my DME tells me that 23 is the highest she has seen. She also said it was a nightmare finding a setup that didn't leak.
I'm at 18.4! Prescription was for 18, but the extra 0.4cm finally got my AHI under 5--for the first time ever! I recently moved up from CPAP to Bi-Level, which helps to tolerate the pressure. I had to got with full face mask. I miss the freedom of my nasal pillows, but mouth opening was a REAL problem for me anything over about 14 with CPAP. The only issue now is that I'm occasionally "air-filled" in the morning, but full-face mask frustration and air-injection are a small price to pay to finally get a good nights sleep!

What was your AHI without CPAP? Mine was at 80 (apparently, that's quite high).

I'm at 14-20 on a Respironics BPAP w Auto.
How do you know what your settings are?
Respironics BiPAP AVAP 21/17
Mike said it all...good for YOU! My highest was 14 (too high for me), but DR. lowered my pressure to 12 with a ramp set at 7...My CPAP machine is the Respironics REMstarAuto M Series with C-Flex...diagnosed with SA March 2007...Good NEW best friend! I am still battling insomnia though, BUT it is "no foul" to my is menopause!
Hello, I'm neck and neck with ya. My bi-pap is set at 18 breathing in and 14 on exhale. Do you have a c-pap? I had to switch to the bi-pap because it was too hard to exhale on the c-pap with the pressure so high. When I travel I don't have to bring a blow dryer...just use my pap. Just kidding. But you could!
im at 7 is that good or bad and my ramp is set at 4 .. im trying 2 figer this out im new 2 all of this and been looking for help ..
I have read all the posts on this discussion about pressure. I know that at one time I used a CPAP machine and it's highest setting was @19. SInce my last two sleep studies, I have graduated to a BiPAP machine and my setting is up. I run my machine nightly @22-26. It starts off at 26 but then adjusts to a more regular breathing cycle that is tolerable. But at first it is difficult to find the breathing rhythm to fall asleep but within10 minutes I can fall off to sleep w/o difficulty. I do find that my full face Ultra Mirage mask does seem to wear out rapidly. I have tried to find a CPAP supplier who will sell me the replacement cushions. I know that most insurance companies usually want you to get a complete mask every 6-9 months. If anyone can help me to find a resource I would be eternally grateful.

Also, if anyone of you out there are a disable veteran, you should request a sleep study from your primary VA physician. I recently did and I am scheduled to have another sleep study at the VA Center in Detroit, MI this week. I have would recommend the VA system to anyone who is a veteran and is also disabled. You should at least look into and / or talk to a veteran service officer who can help you to apply for a service-connected or VA pension that can be a great resource for you.

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