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Can someone outgrow sleep apnea?

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I cut and pasted the site you suggested..and have NO idea just WHAT I might be looking for. I don't know if you
caught on one of my other posts that I have what I a dinosaur CPAP.. it IS a Resmed M series..and I
have been wondering WHY my supplier even set me up with THIS one to start with. It does have a humidifier but
does NOT have a place for or use a data card..this tells me.. " here ya'll like this one.." sneaky gleam in
crooked providers eye. So.. after keeping up with and reading all the discussions in here.. I have, quite possibly,
been still having SA problems and just don't know it. This concerns I can't afford to have another sleep study
done. Do providers exchange CPAPS even after you have had one long enough to own it , as I DO own this one now?
I am setting up to switch suppliers since I found another one. I think I even saw one like mine on the list for sale and
they were asking over $200 for it. How would I know if it indeed has a data card? By reading how LONG everyone has
been on CPAPS and taking their own data and monitoring it...I wonder why anyone would want or could use one that
doesn't provide data. I suppose I will just go with the new supplier and get a better CPAP..and try somehow to pay
for it as I go along. My ins. is BCBS and had to go to a $5,000 deductible ( which I never even met last yr..sigh)..

thanks Banyon.. I feel some kind of strong kinship to you.. your answers are always what I would

Banyon said:
We do what we have to do and what we are able to do.

Millions of people treat the symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing with a popular drug, caffeine (witness the popularity of Starbucks et al). So I don't consider treating the symptoms with Provigil as thinking outside the box. In fact, if that is all you do, you are trapped in the box.

I don't know the answer to your problems, but I do know many people find the answer by getting a data-capable machine and tweaking their therapy. That is the most logical and practical next step, IMO.

The financial issue is something to be overcome. You can often find excellent used machines at and software is widely available for some models.

Let me know if you have any questions and good luck.

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