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I put in a really rough night last night. I have been sleeping through the night without waking up, but last night was awful. I woke up at 1 a.m, 2:30 a.m, 3:00 a.m 4:30 a.m 5:30 a.m and the the alarm went of at 6:00. I feel like I have been run over by a train or something. I checked my AHI and its at 2.2 which is down. I think when I first started out I was 3.3. I have been feeling pretty good since I started CPAP and I hate that I feel so blah right now. I guess I have gotten spoiled to actually having energy when I wake up in the morning. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this experience or if what happened last night is just one of those things that happens from time to time

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It could be a multitude of various reasons for a bad night. see how tonight goes.
Thanks! I will see how tonight goes. I guess I was expecting every night to be a perfect night of restful sleep...

D. W. Conn said:
It could be a multitude of various reasons for a bad night. see how tonight goes.
Many factors can cause a rough night.

I have even underwent several rough nights for various reasons and look for the cause. If I know my numbers are good (I monitor my numbers with the software and reader for my particular machine) then I don't stress over and know that I am experiencing what "normal" people experience when they have a bad night.
Thanks for the input. I guess I figured that CPAP would make every night restful. I didn't even think about having bad nights like "normal" people. I guess I kind of thought that ALL of my rough nights before CPAP were cause from apnea. Feeling like I've been hit by a train should be cured by a short nap (On my machine of course)....
Hey Christine,

If you can find a cure for those nights when we wake up and feel like crud I will be the first in line!! I hate having a bad night, even once in a while is too often for me!! :)
Ughhhhhhhhhh another rough night. I was awake 3 times last night. I finally got up at 5:10 and wondered downstairs to have coffee. My fiancee' gets up at 6 to start getting ready. He made his way downstairs at about 6:30 and I was laying on the couch. Shortly after he left for work (which was about 6:45) I was out cold. I know I should have been on my machine. I just didn't seem to have any energy. When I woke back up at 9 I felt so bad. I had another one of my infamous apnea headaches. Trust me I will never do that again.
I can't seem to get myself in gear today. I am just dragging. My AHI has dropped some again. I'm now at 2.0 (down from 2.3)
I just hope that I am not coming down with something. I really don't think that is the case. Other than just being plain wore out I am fine. I have had blood work done recently and the only thing that it showed was that my cholesterol was slightly elevated. All other results were good. I wish I knew what was going on......~Yawn~
You say you had a cup of coffee. What do you use in the coffee? An artificial sweetener by chance?

Christine C said:
Ughhhhhhhhhh another rough night. I was awake 3 times last night. I finally got up at 5:10 and wondered downstairs to have coffee. My fiancee' gets up at 6 to start getting ready. He made his way downstairs at about 6:30 and I was laying on the couch. Shortly after he left for work (which was about 6:45) I was out cold. I know I should have been on my machine. I just didn't seem to have any energy. When I woke back up at 9 I felt so bad. I had another one of my infamous apnea headaches. Trust me I will never do that again.
I can't seem to get myself in gear today. I am just dragging. My AHI has dropped some again. I'm now at 2.0 (down from 2.3)
I just hope that I am not coming down with something. I really don't think that is the case. Other than just being plain wore out I am fine. I have had blood work done recently and the only thing that it showed was that my cholesterol was slightly elevated. All other results were good. I wish I knew what was going on......~Yawn~
Every blue moon I use an artificial sweetener. Mostly I just use those girly flavored creamers. I am happy to report that I only woke up once last night though I still feel a little tired this morning its not like it has been the past few days...

Dan Lyons said:
You say you had a cup of coffee. What do you use in the coffee? An artificial sweetener by chance?

Christine C said:
Ughhhhhhhhhh another rough night. I was awake 3 times last night. I finally got up at 5:10 and wondered downstairs to have coffee. My fiancee' gets up at 6 to start getting ready. He made his way downstairs at about 6:30 and I was laying on the couch. Shortly after he left for work (which was about 6:45) I was out cold. I know I should have been on my machine. I just didn't seem to have any energy. When I woke back up at 9 I felt so bad. I had another one of my infamous apnea headaches. Trust me I will never do that again.
I can't seem to get myself in gear today. I am just dragging. My AHI has dropped some again. I'm now at 2.0 (down from 2.3)
I just hope that I am not coming down with something. I really don't think that is the case. Other than just being plain wore out I am fine. I have had blood work done recently and the only thing that it showed was that my cholesterol was slightly elevated. All other results were good. I wish I knew what was going on......~Yawn~

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