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What do you do with your old c-pap machine that still has a lot of life?

I still have my old c-pap machine. I was given a new machine but there was nothing wrong with the old machine. Since, I do a lot of traveling my doctor thought it would be easier for me to have a small machine. I do not need a back-up machine. My problem is what do you do with that old machine?

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Believe me, it is NOT all that difficult a problem! Your local Visiting Nurse Association, some sleep labs, A.W.A.K.E, sometimes even your local church group, most likely knows SOMEONE who NEEDS a CPAP but hasn't the insurance or finances to get one. You can offer it for sale on or even Even mentioning the brand and model and maybe the number of hours on it in the various apnea support forums could reach someone w/o insurance or the finances to purchase a CPAP they desperately need.
i'd suggest you write up a brief post about it on the forum here and let people know what kind it is, etc. you can start a new discussion here.
I'm always leery of people selling CPAP machines. Usually these are people who find a way to set their own pressure of what is comfortable...but not necessarily what works and treats their apnea. Though I certainly understand the allure of getting money for your machine. is a great site for that type of equipment.

Sleep labs, including my own, love getting machines like this. They go out to needy patients who can't afford one otherwise. That would be the righteous path I suppose. You could ask the sleep lab for a donation form so that you can at least get a tax credit for it. (that's what my CPA dad would suggest)


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