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I sleep with a bucky bed pillow and bucky sleep mask and i sleep like a baby now.

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Are these filled with buckwheat hulls? I slept on a buckwheat pillow once and was kept awake by the noise of the hulls crunching. I am glad these items work so well for you, that is what counts!
I was a firm believer in the good quality memory foam pillows by Tempurpedic. I used one for several years and loved it. Early this spring, while visiting another forum I asked to be included in a trial that sleepguy was doing on a buckwheat pillow with a slightly different pattern in that it is made with a quilted tight cotton cover with a 4 inch gusset. I love that pillow and have used it since.

I know that Mike really likes the Oxygen Pillow, but they are pricey and I haven't been able to justify the cost of one. Hopefully, if he checks in he can post his reactions to it.
I don't like the Tempurpedic. It's made of polyurethane, which is a chemical that can give off some pretty powerful fumes. Also, it kind of lets the head "sink" in, then get stuck in that position. But as we all know, sleep is a dynamic process in which we change positions throughout the night. The Oxygen Pillow, which I sell at is a better choice because it's made of Öeko-Tex certified latex foam and fabric that is hypoallergenic and is in a familiar shape which permits sleep in any and all positions. It's also engineered to provide the support necessary to maximize oxygen intake and expand lung capacity; hence why they call it the "Oxygen" pillow. Some pretty smart guys in Berkeley California whom I personally know manufacture the Oxygen pillow, and got me hooked on it.
it's funny but I must be really low maintenance. I've never really cared what pillow I used, I just use a LOT of them! I think the sleep study guys got a kick out of me bringing 3 pillows with me for my study to use along with the two they had there. But I sleep with 5 pillows at home too. My husband only has four. We really need a bigger bed for all our pillows. LOL

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