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Dropped CPAP and getting better results with Provent, mouthguard, c-collar and didgeredoo

I have been very frustrated with my cpap.  Going on about 4 years now and was still having problems with deep apneas.  The past six weeks I have been going to bed wearing my 3 1/2 inch firm Deroyal c-collar, my snorefreenow mouthguard, and a Provent set up for my nostrils.  Initially I could not get the Provent to stay on my nostrils, so what I did was take some fleixble silicon tubing  (about 1/2 inch long) taped the Provent to one end and then wrapped the tubing with white medical tape and tightly fit it into my nostrils.  The Provent filters last about two weeks this way, so one can save alot of money.   I also vent in 1 liter of oxygen from my oxygen concentrator.  I cut off the nasal cannula and fit the end of  the tubing into the snorefreenow mouthpiece breathing hole--there is still room to breath in and exhale.  Interestingly I have much fewer and less intense apneas.  Previously with my cpap I caught some apneas where my o2 levels dropped to 75.  The lowest so far this month that I have caught is 88.  But it is possible that I have had others, but wasn't measuring my o2 levels that night.  My oxygen levels hover around 95 to 95 ( live at a mile high).   Overall I feel much better, much more rested. Not every day is perfect though.  Some days I wake up feeling crappy.  But again, overall I feel much better than when I was on the CPAP.  Hopefully I don't jinx myself here by posting this.  Just like to add that in no way am I trying to advertise for the products I mentioned.  I have tried alot of different products and these are the ones that have worked for me.  Just trying to pass on healthy information. I guess what I should try is wearing my cpap along with my Provent setup, mouthguard and c-collar and see what kind of results I get with that also.   Although I just dread wearing the cpap again.                   I also need to add that during this 6 week period I have religiously been playing the didgeredoo for at least 3 hours per week.  I am thinking that this also might be adding to my improved results.   Noah


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I meant to write my oxygen levels hover between 94 and 95.


Wow, Noah.  Certainly sounds you've got something going on.  Good luck.

Thanks Mary. I think and hope so also.  (Cross my fingers)   I'll just continue doing what I am doing and keep the discipline of playing the the didgeredo 3 hours a week.


It would be interesting to have a sleep study with your set up so it could measure things for you besides your oxygen levels.

Yes. It would be.  I feel so much better thoughout the day.  Alot mentally sharper and less fatigued. I guess something is working right.


A sleep study would go along way in proving it is working. I would like a pic of the set-up.

How's it going, Noah?  Have you by chance had a sleep test to confirm your success?

Apparently he has a recording pulse ox since he he knows he has desats during the night. 


Noah -- What kind of machine do you have and what are your settings?  Have you talked to the doctor about your trouble with the cpap?  I know you say you feel better with the set up you describe above -- but I would want to discuss it with the doctor to make sure you are actually catching the apneas. 

I know some like the provent and it is suppose to be a good alternative to cpap, though.  Sounds like you are trying to cover your bases.

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