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Cute little pink "thing" did not work for me.  Extremely comfortable when you put it on but it would not stay in place at all.  So back to the LT for woman.  So far the best but won't stop looking for something better.  The quest goes on!

Oh, ya~Butler won!  Now to watch UNCONN!  Go Huskies!!!!

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AHI was 7 day average.  Still no word from sleep doc.  I am just waiting....but not worrying. Thank you!
Did the envelope with directions arrive?  Hope it works.  I DO know what it means!!!   I just ordered a stability strap for the back of my Swift LT for Her from
Hope you are better soon.  I have back pain too.  I really like the nasal pillows the best.  Karen has been so nice.  I can't wait to get the strap.  Take care & feel better soon & sleep well.

Pain is awful.  Until one experiences it one can not fully understand.  Do you see Ortho, chiropractor or have deep tissue masssage for your back pain?


I started with the extra small pillows and have "graduated" to the small.  Works much better.  I am going to see if I can get an extra pair.  Feel fragile to me and with my luck they will tear.  


In some ways this has been a nightmare but the last 2-3 nights are really, really much better. None of my friends can believe I have t.  I'm petite and did not even snore during the sleep study.  Oh, well, the alternative of not using it is worse.  Feel better!

Have you been to a allergist?  I take presscription antihistamine, singulair use Astelyn (spelled wrong, I thin) nasal spray and steroid nasal spray with VAST improvement,  Many sinus problems are caused by allergies.  My primary care MD is a big believer in that.  Have not been to allergy doc as I feel they are controlled. Our tree pollen is very high now (Spring)  PLEASE don't send any money.  Getting free pillows will make us EVEV.  OK?  Will VA help you with any of your health issues? Another thing~something sometimes you have to take antibiotics for several weeks.  I took them for about 5 1/2.  Take a replacement capsule (bout OTC) to replace the normal bacteria "killed' from the antibiotics.  They are sold at Walmart  .
Not sure about that.  One is called "Sustenex" and another is "Culterele" Last one not spelled quite right!   I took 1-2 a day an date yogurt 2X a day.  Sometimes sinus infections have to be treated with IV antibiotics.  But just 10 days worth usually will not do the trick.

I hate to see people give up on the Swift FX mask because it doesn't feel stable.  It's a great mask and it's very hard to find anything as comfortable out there (The Swift LT is a close second, and it is VERY stable).


The biggest problem people have with the Swift FX is that it is not properly fit.  Some DME's tell people to cram the pillows up their nose--the pillows should sit lightly against the outside of the nostrils, and if leaks are an issue, try going up one size of pillows.


The other thing is that there are some tweaks which will really stabilize this mask.  One is to sew some velcro hook tape into the back strap against your hair--that will stop the back strap from slipping around.  The other is to hang the hose so that its weight isn't constantly pulling the pillows from your nose. 


I have a whole list oftips for the Swift FX on my blog here.  Let me know if this helps at all.


There was also a question about leak information on the Respironics machines.  It's important NOT TO RELY on the LED screen readout.  Because it only records 7 and 30 day AVERAGES for "large leak" it's useless--it would take a HUGE leak for a long time to ever show up on that screen, but shorter and equally important leaks will never show up.  That's why the software is crucial.  It's not a good idea to rely on your DME, all they are after is compliance data because they want to get paid, and most doctors don't care to print out or look at your detailed data because they won't be paid for their time and effort. 

Good info.  I still feel the DME should take more ownership in fitting us better rather then us having to figure it out on our own (with thankfully, help from other CPAP users) I have ordered a stability thingee from Karen at  Probably come in tomorrows mail.  I have found I do much better with the ramp feature turned off.  It just feels like there is no air coming through so I would rather start at my ordered pressure of 8. The Swift FX just moved around so much.  I am doing so much better with the LT for her with small size pillows.  But now I wonder if they are "shoved up" too far?  Geez....the ongoing saga.  Oh, and no word from my doc.  Guess I will have to call there tomorrow.  She's usually very good about calls.  SO I hope no news is good news!!!

The nasal pillows should sit OUTSIDE your nose.  Only a very small portion of the tips goes into your nose.  The seal is created by the fat part of the pillow (the base of the cone-shaped individual pillows) against the outside of your nostrils.  If that part is inside your nose, the pillows you are using are TOO small.  They will leak and hurt!


I still feel the DME should take more ownership in fitting us better rather then us having to figure it out on our own


I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, but the fact is they are NOT doing that.  I've even heard of one ResMed REP who regularly tells people to cram the pillows into their nose--if anybody should know better, it's a manufacturer's rep! 

Reps from ostomy supply manufacturers come to Home Care agencies and hospitals to teach nurses the correct way to use them so that THEY can teach patients the correct way.  Wound care companies do the same thing. To bad reps from CPAP companies would not do the same (maybe they do???) and also maybe in larger cities have seminars for the CPAP community.


P.S.  I was/am using the pillows correctly.  Thanks!



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